If we talk about a room like a balcony, then it is often not used, since this room is considered not residential. Those who have a small apartment can increase its size with a balcony. For this they will need to combine it with the room.
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Before you perform combination, you will definitely need to get the necessary permission in BTI. This is necessary to know what you can do with the wall so that the integrity of the structure would not be violated. As soon as you contact this body, a specialist will have to come to you and see if your idea of combining will be realized in reality.
After all the documents are in your hands, it will be possible to proceed to further action. In order to combine the room and the balcony, you will need to not only glaze, but also insulate it. In order for insulation to be as effective as possible, it is best to conduct insulation, both in the outside and from the internal. After that, you will need to lay the floor covering on the balcony, as well as use the same finishing materials as in the room itself. As a result, you should get one whole space.