Agreed office premises
Nowadays, the rapid development of private entrepreneurship often happens that there is an acute need for redevelopment of the premises of a non -residential fund. As a rule, the redevelopment of non-residential premises in Moscow is performed if it is necessary to change the operational characteristics of the premises with the maximum preservation of its main technical and economic indicators. The basis for redevelopment is the initiative and the wish of either the owner of the premises or its tenant, when, due to certain circumstances, the current state of the non -residential premises does not meet their urgent needs.
In the redevelopment case, it is important to consider the following moment: in order for any redevelopment to acquire the legality, you should fulfill a number of rules and comply with the necessary technical standards, as well as an official procedure for approval.
The main stages of redevelopment
Even the simplest redevelopment of non -residential premises is a time -consuming and extended process. It is important to entrust it to professional people with sufficient experience in this area of activity. At the very beginning of the path to redevelop non -residential space, it is necessary to develop and coordinate in several instances a package of the necessary documents. The following are the stages of the practical implementation of construction and installation work, as well as the commissioning of the premises (facility) into operation.
It should be said that the stage of preparation and approval of documentation is not only the longest, but also the most crucial step, while how long it will last depends on many factors. It is enough to mention the need to develop a fire safety system, the correct location of the main and spare entrances, compliance with general redevelopment standards, obtaining permission to operate the premises in a new quality, etc.
As for the redevelopment of the room, say, for the store, it will be necessary to agree on the option of ventilation, the location of technological openings, the condition and laying of the electrical wiring and lighting (including emergency), the presence and placement of additional inputs, take into account many other parameters.
However, in fairness it should be noted that not every redevelopment of non -residential premises requires separate coordination. The implementation of cosmetic repairs, the installation of purchased or old furniture, as well as the replacement of engineering equipment with a new analogue not included in the BTI lists, will not cause special problems. However, in this case, it will not hurt to consult with an experienced specialist, possibly from SK-REMOLET employees “saved” in this case.
The dangers of inconsistent redevelopment
The coordination of the redevelopment of the premises of the capital’s non -residential fund in its complexity and the volume of work performed is not much different from the layout of objects, as they say, from zero. If it is important for the client to use his new premises in optimally fast terms, you should not postpone the process of approval in a long box. Possible sluggishness in this moment not only threatens with various fines and other problems, but can also put the whole business under blow. In addition, real estate with unformed redevelopment cannot be sold, presented or used as a deposit when communicating with modern banking structures. The only consolation is that the ownership of such an object remains, nevertheless, behind the owner himself.
As for Moscow, the constant growth in the need for redevelopment of non -residential premises makes various controlling bodies of the capital pay particularly close attention to the coordination process. This is due to the fact that such premises are often located on the lower floors of residential buildings. In this case, errors in the redevelopment can “aking” simply with catastrophic consequences.
The specialists of our company provide services related to the redevelopment of any premises related to the non -residential fund of the capital, including:
– procedures for the preparation of the necessary papers;
– procedures for their design;
– permission procedures;
– legalization of documentation;
– registration.
Cost of work: