Staining the ceiling itself is not very difficult work, but includes several stages that will affect the final result, the duration of operation. After whitewash, dyeing the ceiling is not easy to do. After some time, the layers of whitewashing will begin to pour along with the paint. And applying the coating itself will cause a lot of difficulties.
Stretch ceilings are very popular today. If you want to install a stretch ceiling, but do not know which stretch ceiling to choose, tissue or PVC, we advise you to follow the link given.
The ceiling should be treated with whitewashing into a very thin layer and a very flat surface, without cracks and pouring areas. Previously, for a bunch of materials, a primer is applied in two layers. Otherwise, stages such as: cleaning the working surface from the old whitewash, elimination of existing defects, painting.
For cleaning, use special mixtures, pastes or soak with water, in which ammonia soda or solution is added. Then you need to wait a while and clean it with a spatula until the base of the concrete. It is better to process small areas so that they do not have time to dry out. The remains are easily removed with a wet rag.
Defects are treated with putty, a primer is applied between each layer, dry areas are wiped with sandpaper. The ceiling is painted with a special spray or roller from the edge of the wall in two layers.