More than twenty years ago, having become acquainted with the concept of “European -renovation”, our compatriots learned about the existence of rack aluminum suspension ceilings. The first supplies of the new finishing material for Russia were carried out from Italy and Germany. Despite the fairly high, at first the cost, the new ceiling coating quickly gained popularity.
Finally, the optimal solution for ceilings in bathrooms and in the kitchens finally appeared. However, the owners of the offices quickly appreciated high aesthetic qualities and operational characteristics of the rack ceilings. A large assortment of color solutions allows you to create a ceiling coating that is fully consistent with the overall design style of the room.
There are several types of rack suspension ceilings. The most common open type of coating is. When installing it between the rails, narrow gaps are left. Depending on the designer’s plan, they can not be closed. And then bearing traverses are visible between the slats.
Such a ceiling is usually mounted in spacious rooms with high walls in cases where, according to technical conditions, special requirements for ventilation are presented.
But most often in the intervals between the slats are installed interior inserts. They can be of the same color as the rails. Using inserts of a different color allows you to achieve interesting visual effects. So, the most elegant is the ceiling of white racks with gold or chrome inserts.
Raedic ceilings can be closed. Their installation is carried out closely, without intervals. In the design of the racks of this type, a special “tongue” is provided, designed to close and make the interior space invisible to the eyes.
There is also a Brightly variety of suspended rack ceilings. Their installation is also carried out without an intermediate distance between the rails. And its secret lies in the special design of the traverses, to which the rails are attached with special ledges with which they are equipped on the reverse side.
Rheok ceilings are absolutely safe for humans. The manufacturer uses environmentally friendly materials for their manufacture. Such ceiling coating does not burn, does not contribute to the spread of flame and does not emit harmful substances into the air when heated. Regardless of operating conditions, the rack ceilings are not compressed and do not expand.