The mixtures are equipped with the number of modern materials with high consumer and operational properties. This group is represented by stucco, putty, bulk floors, heat -insulating, waterproofing mixtures, grouts and other powder products used in many types of construction work.
The advantages of professional compositions are manifested both in the practicality and convenience of their use, and in the properties of ready -made structures obtained with their participation.
The manufacturer involves a large number of modifying and plasticizing additives in the formulas of its products, which give the composition the necessary properties (excellent solubility with the formation of homogeneous, plastic mass, optimal viability, high strength, moisture resistance and mechanical stamina after hardening).
Plasters, grouts, puttying, manufacturer’s bulk floors are convenient in use, tixotropes, have the optimal ratio of mineral and polymer binders, and provide the durability and wear resistance built by the constructions. The bulk floors are equipped with a technological composition, the ability to self -enforcement, the speed of setting and final hardening, mechanical strength and resistance to deformation. The waterproofing mixtures of the manufacturer are very successful and functional. They are characterized by cost -effectiveness, high degree of water protection, practicality and ease of use.
The basis of each product of the brand will be equipped with a carefully selected structural composition, in which the latest plasticizers and modifiers are introduced that give the mixtures the necessary useful properties.
Dry mixtures create the opportunity to accelerate and simplify all stages of construction work. They are used as a binder in the construction of brick walls and partitions, paths of paths, laying ceramic tiles; In the process of plastering processing of various surfaces, sealing cracks and potholes, aligning and processing the ceiling and floors, protecting and decoration of facades.
It is very convenient to work with products of this brand. The manufacturer offers detailed instructions for using each product. Using dry mixtures in construction and restoration work, you can count on obtaining durable, visually attractive structures with minimal time and material resources.