The bathroom was covered with cracks, chips appeared or aesthetic appearance has been lost? No need to despair and run to the nearest plumbing store – the cast -iron bathroom can be restored!
Of course, the enameling of the bath is not the simplest task, so many shift it to the shoulders of experienced masters. However, if you are not from a timid dozen and in your house you prefer to do everything with your own hands – welcome! For you, some tips on how to restore the cast -iron bathroom yourself.
– Method number 1. First you need to stock up on special enamel, after which, with a brush, cover the whole bath with it. It is better to apply it to the surface from the top of the sides to the bottom. This method allows you to really minimize the smudges. Of course you can use a roller, but only in this case the material consumption will increase significantly. No need to try to fill the bath with enamel the first time, it is better to do it in stages, in several layers. At the end of work, in only 3 days, your cast -iron bath will be completely ready for operation.
– Method number 2. This option is called the “bulk bath”, and in its execution a more laborious. They resort to him mainly in cases where chips or rather deep cracks formed on a cast -iron bath. The essence of the method is to clean and dry the bathroom, preparing it for applying a glass or liquid acrylic. Filling all the voids and hollows, the surface is aligned. The applied composition freezes in just an hour, but it will be possible to use updated plumbing only after 4 days.
Having passed the restoration, the surface of a cast -iron bathtub still does not become new, so it is very important to adhere to the operating conditions and careful care. In this case, the updated coating will serve you and your family for a very long time.