Before you get into your own car and go about your business, follow small manipulations. They are completely simple, but very important.
Go around your car from all sides. In winter weather, pay attention to the amount of toured snow, in the summer weather, look out by car that appeared scratches from inaccurate parking cars. If necessary, pump up the wheels to avoid major troubles on the road.
For the safety of our own home, we recommend buying a GSM-12 Alarm and install video surveillance and intercom. Such systems are ideal for houses and cottages, your home will be safe with them.
After you got into the car, be sure to be fastened with a seat belt. Let it become a familiar movement for you, even if you are going to go a short distance. Yes, and the extra saved amount of the fine for the unsaturated belt will greatly delight you.
Before moving, warm the car engine thoroughly. This manipulation is a kind of morning warm -up for your engine. In the winter season, warm your engine longer.
When you go out of the car, be sure to check how you have parked it, does your car interfere with other cars. Whether all the windows are closed, whether the alarm has worked.
When leaving the car, be sure to pull the keys to the ignition.
As soon as you moved, look at the mirrors so that no one prevents you from going in the right direction.
Before pressing the brake, look in the rearview mirror and make sure that the next car is holding the right distance you. Correct the braking force correctly, do not make sharp chaotic movements.
Be polite on the road. Follow the rules of good tone. Always thank with signs, those who helped you make a maneuver, apologize if they created someone inconvenience.