The world’s largest hydroelectric power station is built on the Yenisei River near the city of Krasnoyarsk. Concrete dam, more than a hundred meters high, is a landmark of the city, which is located fifty kilometers below the dam. They built hydroelectric power station in Soviet times for 16 years. In the 70s, the hydroelectric power station began to generate electricity. More than 20 billion kilowatt-hour of electricity annually is produced by this hydroelectric power station. Energo audit is not rarely held at such facilities.
In the vicinity of the hydroelectric power station, the largest and rich reservoir spilled, which is called by the sea because of its size. The Krasnoyarsk Sea is a huge reservoir of fresh water, the depth of which in some places reaches more than a hundred meters. The reservoir spread 400 km from the Krasnoyarsk Territory to Khakassia. The largest sea width is 15 km. This is one of the largest artificial reservoirs in the world.
With the construction of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station, climatic conditions in the Krasnoyarsk Territory changed in the favorable direction. It is known that the climate in Eastern Siberia is continental. The combination of a very hot summer with cold frosty winter is characteristic of these places since time immemorial. Yenisei, always stood in the ice, freezing up to 400 kilometers, today does not freeze. The accumulation in the water of the water moisturizes the air, which in turn softens the climate. This brings diversity to the climatic conditions of Krasnoyarsk and the surrounding territories.