When buying materials, you need to pay attention to a lot. For example, you always need to buy as many materials as necessary, otherwise there is a risk of unreasonable costs.
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So in order to buy exactly as much as you need to complete the correct calculation of the required number of materials. As an example of counting, you can submit a calculation of the required number of wallpapers. So, in order to calculate how many wallpaper you need to measure the walls first, it means to measure their length and height, and then change the sum of all indicators, that is, the total length of all walls and the total height of all walls of the room, which will be glued to the wallpaper. As a result, the total area of all walls will be obtained.
Next, you need to start measuring all window and doorways that are in this room, you need to measure the length and height of all parts of the walls that will not be pasted over by wallpaper. Of course, after that it is necessary to calculate their area.
At the next stage, the square must be taken away from the total area of the walls, their parts that will not glue. As a result, you get the figure of a real number of wallpapers. About three more percent must be added to this figure.